EQ Auction Logger

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[40 days ago] Ravix auctions, 'WTS Stave of Shielding 2kpp | Opalline Earring 50pp | Bloodstained Tunic 50pp PST!'
[40 days ago] Muggz auctions, 'WTB Slime Blood of Cazic Thule'
[40 days ago] Muggz auctions, 'WTS Spell: Visions of Grandeur <> Stone of Morid <> Staff of Battle <> Hardened Clay Bracelet '
[40 days ago] Horza auctions, 'WTS Silver Chitin Wristband / Coldain Skin Gloves / Spider Fur Belt / Crystal Spider Eyes / Sarnak Battle Shield / Silver Chitin Hand Wraps / Crushed Flame Emerald'
[40 days ago] Techanina auctions, 'WTS Black Pantherskin Cloak 0r trade for legs'
[40 days ago] Bjolr auctions, 'WTB Circlet of Shadows'
[40 days ago] Alurian auctions, 'WTS Siren Scale Robe, Hooded Black Cloak, Batskull Earring x2, Obsidian Bead Hoop, Jarsath Trident, Goblin Backstabber'
[40 days ago] Derin auctions, 'WTS Silver Chitin Wristband 3k '
[40 days ago] Derin auctions, 'WTB red dragon scales'
[40 days ago] Horza auctions, 'WTS Silver Chitin Wristband / Coldain Skin Gloves / Spider Fur Belt / Crystal Chitin Armplates / Crystal Spider Eyes / Silver Chitin Hand Wraps / Crushed Flame Emerald'
[40 days ago] Bazle auctions, 'WTS Inlaid Jade Hoop 1k - Oakleaf Scimitar 1k - trades welcome'
[40 days ago] Nurdati auctions, 'WTS Spell: Zumaik`s Animation // Chokidai Hide Pauldrons // Jade Reaver'
[40 days ago] Nurdati auctions, 'taking offers on Manastone'
[40 days ago] Rangthor auctions, 'WTS Spell: Surge of Enfeeblement 40p, Spell: Arch Lich 300p, Spell: Corporeal Empathy 75p, '
[40 days ago] Extend auctions, 'WTS Worn Shai`din Naginata, Iksar Hide Manual, Inlaid Jade Hoop, Jade Inlaid Spaulders, Nathsar Helm, Earring of Woven Bark, Spell: Succor'
[40 days ago] Rangthor auctions, 'WTS Spell: Intensify Death 75p, Spell: Haunting Corpse 100p, Spell: Dead Man Floating 100p, Spell: Renew Bones 100p, '
[40 days ago] Edeath auctions, 'WTS Paebala Warbone 5k '
[40 days ago] Extend auctions, 'WTS Tattered Flesh Veil, Iksar Hide Cape, Spell: Dead Men Floating, Fancy Velvet Mantle, Di`zok Escape Staff, Oakleaf Scimitar, Earring of Blazing Energy'
[40 days ago] Rangthor auctions, 'WTS Song: Composition of Ervaj 100p, Spell: Death Peace 100p, '
[40 days ago] Edeath auctions, 'WTS Bracer of the Hidden '
[40 days ago] Bazle auctions, 'WTS Inlaid Jade Hoop 1k - Oakleaf Scimitar 1k '
[40 days ago] Bazle auctions, 'WTS - Nathsar Leggings 400pp - Velium Blue Diamond Bracelet 800pp'
[40 days ago] Horza auctions, 'Druid ports and PotG at tunnel entrance'
[40 days ago] Martinamartinez auctions, 'wtb winds of tashanian 60 spell'
[40 days ago] Wiserider auctions, 'WTS Orc Fang Earring - Crown of King Tranix - Black Pantherskin Cloak'
[40 days ago] Melito auctions, 'WTS Reinforced Dragonhorn Boots || A Gigantic Zweihander || Split Paw Hide Gloves || Spell: Aegolism || Spell: Conjure Corpse || Spell: Divine Strength'
[40 days ago] Gerigin auctions, 'WTS Zlandicar's Heart Elder Spiritist's Breastplate Crystal Chitin Leggings Nathsar Vambraces '
[40 days ago] Zotmart auctions, 'WTS RESIST Velium Blue Diamond Bracelet 1k, Blue Diamond Electrum Earring 500p, Velium Diamond Wedding Ring 600p, Velium Jacinth Wedding Ring 600p, Wolf's Eye Velium Necklace 350p'
[40 days ago] Zotmart auctions, 'WTS RESIST Golden Diamond Mask 350p, Platinum Blue Diamond Tiara 500p, Golden Blue Diamond Pendant 400p'
[40 days ago] Birger auctions, 'WTS Donal's Chestplate of Mourning'
[40 days ago] Harty auctions, 'WTB djorn amythesist ring'
[40 days ago] Zotmart auctions, 'WTS Crystal Chitin Shield 700p, Crystal Spider Eyes 700p, Venomous Axe of the Velium Brood 650p, Siryn Hair Hood 500p, Silver Chitin Hand Wraps 250p, Crystal Chitin Gauntlets 200p'
[40 days ago] Potiondealer auctions, 'WTS Everfrost Pots 1 charge 350p, Field of Bone Pots 1 charge 350p, Serpant Sight Pots 200p, Wort Pots 1800p'
[40 days ago] Potiondealer auctions, 'WTS Ethira's Poison Antidote (counteract poison) Pot 200p, Kithar's Disease Treatment (counteract disease) Pot 200p '
[40 days ago] Potiondealer auctions, 'WTS Sow Pots 100p, DS (Kilva's) pots 475p, Levi Pots 250p, Invis Undead Pots 225p, Greater Null pots 450p, Shrink Pots 225p'
[40 days ago] Mansang auctions, 'WTS Tranquil Staff / Breath of Harmony / Atramentous Shield / Idol of the Thorned'
[40 days ago] Gattis auctions, 'WTB sow pots'
[40 days ago] Kalisteal auctions, 'WTS Massive Dragonclaw Shard 20k obo -PST'
[40 days ago] Madriga auctions, 'WTS Skullchip Bracelet 150 Spell: Pillar of Lightning 100 Bracer of Vajeen 50 Bracer of the Hidden 6k Gauntlets of Brute Strength 150 Spirit Tome 50.'
[40 days ago] Rupertinton auctions, 'WTB item:Talisen, Bow of the Trailblazer'
[40 days ago] Babysix auctions, 'WTS/WTT Peerless Dragonhide Breastplate Trade for Fungi Plat'
[40 days ago] Axemann auctions, 'WTB Jar'Nal Long Sword'
[40 days ago] Axemann auctions, 'WTS Imbued Teir`Dal Chain Tunic 700 // Enchanted Teir`Dal Chain Leggings 300 // Enchanted Teir`Dal Chain Boots 200 // Gatorscale Leggings 200 // Lizard Blood Potion 500 // Shield of Battle 300'
[40 days ago] Axemann auctions, 'WTS Blued Two-Handed Hammer 20k // Black Pantherskin Leggings 1k // Teir`Dal Adamantite Breastplate 800 // Teir`Dal Adamantite Greaves 800 // Teir`Dal Adamantite Boots 500 // Teir`Dal Adamantite Bracers 400 '
[40 days ago] Dealandra auctions, 'WTS Sebilite Croaking Dirk 1.2k'
[40 days ago] Hafadory auctions, 'WTB tolapumjis robe'
[40 days ago] Dealandra auctions, 'WTB Exquisite Velium Warsword, Winters Fury, Mechanized Lockpicks'
[40 days ago] Hafadory auctions, 'WTS Cloak of Crystalline Waters'
[40 days ago] Copenhagin auctions, 'WTS necro spells Spell: Invoke Shadow 150p - Spell: Renew Bones 100p - Spell: Surge of Enfeeblement 35p - Spell: Cackling Bones 50p'
[40 days ago] Ntalbik auctions, 'WTS Fester, Large Dragonbone Shard, A Black Throne, Writ of Quellious, Di`zok Sceptre of Authority, 2 x Diamond'
[40 days ago] Faylong auctions, 'WTB CoF 27k'
[40 days ago] Kalisteal auctions, 'WTS Massive Dragonclaw Shard 20k obo -[st'
[40 days ago] Snackjack auctions, 'WTS Jaundiced Bone Bracer JBB -- Spell: Malo'
[40 days ago] Terram auctions, 'WTB Level 44 Mage Pet spells, and/or Words on Convocation/Incarceration.'
[40 days ago] Epixx auctions, 'WTB Living Thunder Earring 12k'
[40 days ago] Beerunn auctions, 'WTS Crafted Breastplate / Crafted Plate Boots / Crafted Gauntlets / Crafted Bracers'
[40 days ago] Beerunn auctions, 'WTS Mountain Death Belt 20 / Lamentation 300 / Shard of Darkness 25 / Beetle stinger 50 / Spell: Tears of Prexus 30 / Spell: Gift of Xev 50 '
[40 days ago] Ollanius auctions, 'WTB Nathsar Greatsword Pst'
[40 days ago] Beerunn auctions, 'WTB x1 Black Sapphire'
[40 days ago] Gerigin auctions, 'WTS Zlandicar's Heart Elder Spiritist's Breastplate Crystal Chitin Leggings Nathsar Vambraces Crystal Chitin Shield'
[40 days ago] Kalisteal auctions, 'WTS Massive Dragonclaw Shard -pst'
[40 days ago] Mithridates auctions, 'WTS Silver Chitin Wristband | Crystal Chitin Chestguard | Venomous Axe of the Velium Brood | Shimmering Terror Hide Cloak | Crystal Chitin Boots'
[40 days ago] Manamilee auctions, 'WTS Spell: Dead Men Floating'
[40 days ago] Faladrin auctions, 'WTS / Elemental Binder / Golden Opal Amulet / Golden Sapphire Earring / Argent Defender / Opalline Earring / Obsidian Ring of Quintessence '
[40 days ago] Faladrin auctions, 'WTS Viik's Dark Defender / Dusty Bloodstained Gloves / Noble's Robes / Wu's Quivering Staff / Firerune Brand / Spider Fur-Lined Boots / Loam Encrusted Lined Shoes '
[40 days ago] Astrowulf auctions, 'WTB Orc Fang Earring'
[40 days ago] Ollanius auctions, 'WTS Guard Captain`s Mallet 500pp, Kobold Jester's Crown 500pp'
[40 days ago] Faladrin auctions, 'WTS Sludged Girdle / Elemental Binder / Golden Opal Amulet / Golden Sapphire Earring / Argent Defender / Opalline Earring / Obsidian Ring of Quintessence '
[40 days ago] Nuoc auctions, 'wts crown of narandi 75k'
[40 days ago] Dogecoinz auctions, 'WTS Dark Scale Sleeves500pp, Ivory Imbued Collar150pp, Spell: Evacuate200pp, Spell: Tunare`s Request100pp, Spell: Pillar of Lightning100pp'
[40 days ago] Dogecoinz auctions, 'WTS Coldain Skin Gloves1.8k, Coldain Skin Boots1k, Iksar Hide Cape3.5k, Gauntlets of the Black300pp, Iksar Hide Cap250pp'
[40 days ago] Jeanne auctions, 'WTS Green Goblin Skin 250p per stack Earring of Essence 700'
[40 days ago] Lilfathoss auctions, 'WTS Spell: Improved Invisibility, Spell: Thrall of Bones, Spell: Yaulp IV, Spell: Death Peace, Spell: Cobalt Scar Portal'
[40 days ago] Hafadory auctions, 'WTB tolapumjs robe'
[40 days ago] Epixx auctions, 'WTB Earring of Essence'
[40 days ago] Movegon auctions, 'WTS Green Goblin Skin 240pp/stack - Mt. Death Mineral Salts 100pp/stack - Brazier of Elemental Summoning 360pp'
[40 days ago] Manamilee auctions, 'WTS Drums of the Beast'
[40 days ago] Ravix auctions, 'WTS Stave of Shielding 2kpp | Poison Wind Censer 350pp | Opalline Earring 50pp | Bloodstained Tunic 50pp PST!'
[40 days ago] Vermina auctions, 'WTB Adamantite Club'
[40 days ago] Littlebill auctions, 'wts Hollowed Bone Bracers, '
[40 days ago] Littlebill auctions, 'wtb hero bracer'
[40 days ago] Bhazin auctions, 'WTS Haze Panther Gloves, Haze Panther Skullcap 2k each'
[40 days ago] Jeanne auctions, 'WTS Green Goblin Skin 250p per stack'
[40 days ago] Ganaye auctions, 'wtb: ornate runed shell necklace, molkor hide'
[40 days ago] Fordail auctions, 'WTB Burnished wooden staff , black sappires'
[40 days ago] Zzen auctions, 'WTS Spell: Sedulous Subversion'
[40 days ago] Greenbastid auctions, 'WTS Skullhelm of Krenlek 75p, Chieftain's Headress 75p, Belt of the Cenobite 250p'