EQ Auction Logger

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[47 days ago] Shamzoh auctions, 'WTS Arctic Wyvern Leggings 1k/// Coldain Skin Boots 1.6k'
[47 days ago] Klevidin auctions, 'WTB Atramentous Shield 1k, Band of Eternal Flame 400p, Black Bear Pelt Cloak 3k'
[47 days ago] Nevermeter auctions, 'WTS Venomous Axe of the Velium Brood - Crystal Spider Eyes - Crystal Chitin Shield - Crystal Chitin Gauntlets - Silver Chitin Hand Wraps'
[47 days ago] Ironaxe auctions, 'WTS Amulet of Necropotence 170k / Z Heart 155k or WTT for Fungi Plat'
[47 days ago] Brumdavin auctions, 'WTS Iksar Scaled Gloves , Barbed Scale Whip , Burynai Legion Gi , Ring of the Rockchanters'
[47 days ago] Mallachai auctions, 'WTB Lumi staff'
[47 days ago] Rhoh auctions, 'WTS Thin Boned Wand 100 4X Shiny Brass Idol 600 Shralok Pack 1X 200'
[47 days ago] Bagggz auctions, 'WTB A shovel'
[47 days ago] Arthem auctions, 'WTS Spell: Word of Redemption 600 / Spell: Greater Vocaration: Water 1k'
[47 days ago] Roostie auctions, 'Wtb firerune brand'
[47 days ago] Iaintdoit auctions, 'WTB Staff of Battle. PST'
[47 days ago] Xbtale auctions, 'WTB Black Bear Pelt Cloak 4k'
[47 days ago] Xbtale auctions, 'WTS Spell: Dictate 24k / Spell: Pox of Bertoxxulous 14k / Spell: Demi Lich 8k / Sea Dragon Meat 6k / Ceremonial Iksar Chestplate 9k / Rubicite Boots 4k'
[47 days ago] Xbtale auctions, 'WTB Form of the Great Bear'
[47 days ago] Zeighty auctions, 'WTS Velium Encrusted Gauntlets 100k'
[47 days ago] Echoechoecho auctions, 'WTS Silver Chitin Hand Wraps 800'
[47 days ago] Nalimule auctions, 'WTS Frostbringer | Student's Homework | Spell: Bristlebane`s Bundle'
[47 days ago] Sashalle auctions, 'Wts Black Pantherskin Tunic - Black Pantherskin Leggings - Black Pantherskin Sleeves - Black Pantherskin Belt - Black Pantherskin Wristbands'
[47 days ago] Sashalle auctions, 'Wts Tigeraptor Tunic - Tigeraptor Sleeves - Tigeraptor Wristbands'
[47 days ago] Sashalle auctions, 'Wts Leatherfoot Raider Skullcap 700 A Glowing Black Stone 1200'
[47 days ago] Ysora auctions, 'Wts Fired Velium Warsword , Matchless Dragonleg Breeches'
[47 days ago] Talshiar auctions, 'WTS WTS Platinum Fire Wedding Ring 250p, WTB othmir Fur, WTB HQ Bear'
[47 days ago] Ragonaphel auctions, 'WTS Silver Chitin Wristband 4k Froglok Bonecaster's Robe 1k'
[47 days ago] Iaintdoit auctions, 'WTS Foreman's Skull Cap 50p Kobold Bone Gauntlets 200p Sword of Skyfire 100p Stalagterror Spine Spear 100p Drolvarg Mantle 25p. PST'
[47 days ago] Spinotect auctions, 'WTS Bone Chips 8pp/stack'
[47 days ago] Kingdruidspells auctions, 'WTS lumi staff'
[47 days ago] Arthem auctions, 'WTS Spell: Word of Redemption 600 / Spell: Greater Vocaration: Water 1k / Spell: Greater Vocaration: Fire 100p'
[47 days ago] Lynvingen auctions, 'WTS Fingerbone Hoop - Jagged Long Sword - Hand of the Reaper - Enshrouded Veil - Sash of the Dragonborn - Rebreather - Jagged Diamond Dagger'
[47 days ago] Lynvingen auctions, 'WTS Blood Point - Golden Bracer - Shield of the White Dragon - Clockwork Watchman Greaves - Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring - Kylong Wrist Guards - Kylong War Helm'
[47 days ago] Filren auctions, 'WTB Staff of Battle'
[47 days ago] Alltash auctions, 'WTB Boon of the Garou // Allure // Blanket of Forgetfulness'
[47 days ago] Moneybin auctions, 'WTS Arctic Wyvern Hides 20/ea (192) PST'
[47 days ago] Bagggz auctions, 'WTS Poison Wind Censer - Crushed Diamond Dust - Crushed Opal - Crushed Coral - Crushed Emerald - Wu's Quivering Staff - Crystal Chitin Gauntlets'
[47 days ago] Roostie auctions, 'Wtb lute of the howler 9k'
[47 days ago] Klevidin auctions, 'WTS Spell: Emissary of Thule 19k - Wand of Allure 9k - Crushed Flame Emerald x3 400p each'
[47 days ago] Klevidin auctions, 'WTS Sporali Gloves - Baton of Faith - Kunzar Cloak - Sionachie's Partisan'
[47 days ago] Takisiss auctions, 'WTB Coldain Skin Gloves'
[47 days ago] Electryon auctions, 'WTS Lute of the Gypsy Princess / Mistmoore Battle Drums'
[47 days ago] Electryon auctions, 'Anyone selling SoW pots?'
[47 days ago] Dorndy auctions, 'WTS Sludged Girdle 400p; Nephrite x3 100p/ea'
[47 days ago] Dorndy auctions, 'WTS Spell: Word of Restoration 1000p; Spell: Talisman of the Raptor 450p; Spell: Tears of Druzzil 50p; Spell: Trepidation 50p'
[47 days ago] Candyshop auctions, 'WTS Crescent Blades of Luclin Blood Point Dragon Bone Bracelet Kobold Jester's Crown ////\\\\ WTB Crustacean Armor'
[47 days ago] Stwomp auctions, 'Deathfist Slashed Belt 3pp ea'
[47 days ago] Yonnen auctions, 'WTS Kedge Cave Crystals 5.5k MQ used in druid epic'
[47 days ago] Eranut auctions, 'Wtb enc spell Umbra pst'
[47 days ago] Cudo auctions, 'WTB TOlan's Darkwood Bracer and Spell: Call of Earth'
[47 days ago] Dieser auctions, 'WTS Spell: Form of the Hunter | 10 Dose Potion of Stinging Wort PST'
[47 days ago] Grogrok auctions, 'WTS Narandi's Lance 3k/ Ornate Rune Shield 1.5k/ Forlorn Totem of Rolfron Zek 150p'
[47 days ago] Talshiar auctions, 'WTS Ice Giant Toes , WTS Platinum Fire Wedding Ring , WTB othmir Fur, WTB HQ Bear'
[47 days ago] Anickk auctions, 'WTB Allure'
[47 days ago] Bagggz auctions, 'WTS Poison Wind Censer - Crushed Diamond Dust - Crushed Opal - Crushed Coral - Crushed Emerald - Wu's Quivering Staff'
[47 days ago] Rockette auctions, 'WTB Bracelet of Woven Grass and Braided Cinch Cor '
[47 days ago] Saedin auctions, 'WTB Spell:Burnout IV - Clarity II - Blanket of Forgetfullness'
[47 days ago] Yonnen auctions, 'WTB Scimitar of the Emerald Dawn 4.5k, Iksar Hide Cape 3.5k'
[47 days ago] Inns auctions, 'WTB Orc fang earing x1, orc fang necklace, sarnak-hide mask, mithril greaves, and a troll-hide belt PST'
[47 days ago] Beandip auctions, 'WTS Ring of Shadows x11 - 100pp per, Lionhide Backpack x5 - 100pp per'
[47 days ago] Rhoh auctions, 'WTS Shiny Brass Idol 600 | Thin Boned Wand 100 | Shralok Pack 200'
[47 days ago] Alltash auctions, 'WTB Enchanter Spells: Boon of the Garou; Allure; Blanket of Forgetfullness'
[47 days ago] Shamzoh auctions, 'WTS s Arctic Wyvern Leggings 1k/// Coldain Skin Boots 1.7k'
[47 days ago] Pamplamousse auctions, 'Selling Ornate Rune Shield 1.5, Flawless Diamond 1.5k, Mace of the Shadowed Soul 500p, Axe of Lost Souls 400p'
[47 days ago] Entangl auctions, 'WTS Spell: Gift of Xev , Spell: Bandoleer of Luclin , Forest Loop'
[47 days ago] Saedin auctions, 'WTB Spell:Burnout IV - Clarity II - Blanket of Forgetfullness - Dyzil's Deafening Decoy'
[47 days ago] Pamplamousse auctions, 'Selling Baton of Royal Stature 14k, Dragon Hero Bracer 6.5k, Spell: Forlorn Deeds 5k, Woodsman's Staff 3.5k, Jade Reaver 3.5k, Emerald Dragonscale Tunic 3k, McMerin's Feast 2k,'
[47 days ago] Shamzoh auctions, 'WTS Embalmers Skinning Knife 1.8k/// Arctic Wyvern Leggings 1k/// Coldain Skin Boots 1.7k'
[47 days ago] Liinseo auctions, 'Wtb polar bear skin'
[47 days ago] Cerebus auctions, 'WTS << Essence of Moonlight 25pp | Potion of the Bone Field 400pp >> Happy to negotiate.'
[47 days ago] Cerebus auctions, 'WTS << Black Marble 2400pp | Star Ruby 100pp | Fuligan Soulstone of Innoruuk 175pp | Sapphire 100pp | Lizard Blood Potion 500pp > '
[47 days ago] Danmule auctions, 'WTS Luminescent Staff , Sword of the Morning , Sword of Skyfire , Journeyman's Walking Stick , Black Marble , 10 Dose Potion of Unlife Awareness'
[47 days ago] Dandydrood auctions, 'WTS Velium Blue Diamond Bracelet 1100 Velium Fire Wedding Ring 500 Platinum Fire Wedding Ring 250'
[47 days ago] Sellzstuff auctions, 'WTS Spell: Trucidation 100p / Spell: Mala 100p / Spell: Draught of Jiva 50p / Spell: Flaming Sword of Xuzl 50p'
[47 days ago] Sellzstuff auctions, 'WTS Leatherfoot Raider Skullcap 700p / Black Ice Sleeves 150p / Crushed Flame Emerald 300p / Essence of Shadow 20p / Leather Padding 200p/stack, 8 stacks'
[47 days ago] Talshiar auctions, 'WTS Ice Giant Toes - WTB othmir Fur - WTB HQ Bear'
[47 days ago] Sellzstuff auctions, 'WTS Spell: Call of Bones 250p / Spell: Mesmerization 50p / Spell: Feedback 200p / Spell: Entrapping Roots 200p / Spell: Cannibalize IV 700p'
[47 days ago] Candyshop auctions, 'WTS Crescent Blades of Luclin Blood Point Onyx Drakescale Cloak Dragon Bone Bracelet Kobold Jester's Crown ////\\\\ WTB Crustacean Armor'
[47 days ago] Finances auctions, 'WTS Arctic Wyvern Leggings , Arctic Wyvern Boots'
[47 days ago] Favorss auctions, 'WTS Idol of the Thorned - Shield of Shadows - Iksar Hide Cap - Earring of Blazing Energy - Sarnak Skullsplitter - Mrylokar's Bracer - Ancient Seahorse Hide Cloak '
[47 days ago] Hanamal auctions, 'WTB High Quality Bear Skin'
[47 days ago] Ironaxe auctions, 'WTS Amulet of Necropotence 170k / Z Heart 155k or WTT for Fungi pla '
[47 days ago] Saedin auctions, 'WTB Spell:Burnout IV - Clarity II - Blanket of Forgetfulness'
[47 days ago] Inns auctions, 'WTB Orc Fang Earing x1, Orc Fang Necklace, Sarnak-hide mask, PST'
[47 days ago] Bofink auctions, 'WTS Lute of the Howler'
[47 days ago] Mexalen auctions, 'WTS Spell: Improved Superior Camo , Song: Melody of Ervaj'
[47 days ago] Hiren auctions, 'WTS JBB - 14k'
[47 days ago] Mexalen auctions, 'WTS Spell: Shroud of Pain , Spell: Improved Invis vs Undead , Spell: Translocate: Group , Spell: Monster Summoning II , Spell: Call of Earth , Spell: Improved Invisibility'
[47 days ago] Beyet auctions, 'WTS Leatherfoot Raider Skullcap 700p WTS @t1'
[47 days ago] Hordex auctions, 'WTS Imbued Fighters Staff 7500pp'