Ahungry Tactics is a free to play open source tactics game based on game aspects from some of my favorite games in the past (Final Fantasy Tactics, Magic The Gathering, and MMORPGs) that is played in your web browser.
Ahungry Tactics is still in development, however many aspects of the game are currently in a working/finished state, such as:
Ahungry Tactics is done through HTML5 and Javascript on the front end (tapping into the power of node.js, socket.io and my own custom javascript code.
On the back end, the game makes use of the powerful Common Lisp programming language, using socket.io's node.js server to link the front end to the back.
In the future, I will work on adding new development tips on how to implement your own HTML5/javascript game, as well as development steps and discuss some of the things I have implemented.
Let me know what you think! m @ ahungry dot com (put it together :p )